Wednesday 21 December 2011

IP Video Market Info

IP Video Market Info website claim they are the  world's leading resource on video surveillance, providing news, reviews and test results on IP cameras, DVRs, NVRs, video analytics and more.

Independent and dedicated to objective information, they say they do not accept advertising, sponsorship nor consulting projects from manufacturers.

It was launched in 2008 and they have 40000 visitors per month.

The following types questions are raised and answered to their members.

Which Megapixel cameras offer the best low light performance?


WDR Megapixel Camera Shootout

Dealing with direct sunlight is one of video surveillance's toughest problems.It creates both dark and bright areas, due to this image quality can suffer dramatically. Avoiding the sun is frequently impossible.

Camera's ability to handle these conditions is called WDR or Wide Dynamic Range. In this context, range refers to the variations of light levels that a camera can capture. The greater the range, the more likely the camera can handle both very bright and dark areas (e.g., sunlight on a person's face, shadow on the car in the corner).

Earlier this year, they have  did our their WDR shootout with (2) SD and (2) MP cameras. One of the clear, yet surprising, results was that cameras with more pixels (i.e., megapixel) tended to outperform (i.e., capture more image details) than standard resolution cameras, even if the SD cameras were marketed as supporting WDR.

Given those results, in this test, they wanted to learn more about the differences in megapixel camera WDR performance. To do so,they tested 6 Megapixel cameras from Arecont Vision (AV1315), Axis (P1344), Panasonic (WV-SP306 and WV-NP502), Sony (CH140) and Vivotek (IP8151P) to see who was the best and worst at handling WDR scenes.