Thursday 5 January 2012

ECCV Conference Themes

ECCV 2010
325 papers selected out of 1174 submitted
  1. object and scene recognition
  2. segmentation and grouping
  3. face gesture biometrics
  4. motion and tracking
  5. statistical models and visual learning
  6. matching registration alignment
  7. computational imaging
  8. multi-view geometry
  9. image features
  10. video and event characterization
  11. shape representation and recognition
  12. stereo
  13. reflectance illumination color
  14. medical image analysis
ECCV 2008
243 papers selected out of 871 submitted
  1. recognition
  2. stereo
  3. people and face recognition
  4. object tracking
  5. matching learning and features
  6. MRFs
  7. segmentation
  8. computational photography
  9. active reconstruction
ECCV 2006
192 papers selected out of 811 submitted
  1. recognition
  2. statistical models and visual learning
  3. 3D reconstruction and multi-view geometry
  4. energy minimization
  5. tracking and motion
  6. segmentation
  7. shape from X
  8. visual tracking
  9. face detection and recognition
  10. illumination and reflectance modeling
  11. low-level vision segmentation and grouping
ECCV 2004
190 papers selected out of 555 submitted
  1. Feature-based object detection and recognition
  2. Geometry
  3. Texture
  4. Learning and recognition
  5. Information-based image processing
  6. Scale space flow and restoration
  7. 2D shape detection and recognition
  8. 3D shape representation and reconstruction
ECCV 2002
226 papers selected out of 600 submitted
  1. active and real-time vision
  2. image features
  3. visual motion
  4. surface geometry
  5. grouping and segmentation
  6. stereoscopic vision
  7. structure from motion
  8. shape object recognition
  9. color and shading vision systems
  10. statistical learning
  11. robot vision and calibration
ECCV 2000
116 papers selected out of 266 submitted
  1. recognition and modelling
  2. stereoscopic vision
  3. texture and shading
  4. shape
  5. structure from motion
  6. image features
  7. active real-time and robot vision
  8. segmentation and grouping
  9. vision systems engineering and evaluation
  10. calibration
  11. medical image understanding
  12. visual motion
Source:: Springer website