Friday 6 January 2012

Keith VisionBib, PEIPA, CV Homepage

The Computer Vision Homepage
     The Computer Vision Homepage was established at Carnegie Mellon University in 1994 to provide a central location for World Wide Web links relating to computer vision research. Due to the success of the concept, we have broken the original monolithic site into a number of specific subpages. The emphasis of the Computer Vision Homepage is on computer vision research rather than on commercial products.

Pilot European Image Processing Archive
     PEIPA is an archive relating to image processing and analysis, with emphasis on computer vision. Its principal aim is to provide information, datasets and software that allow the effectiveness of algorithms to be measured and compared. This is known variously as performance characterization, performance estimation and benchmarking.

Only following two institutes are included in the list from India.
  • Biomedical Lab, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
  • Image processing,Vision and Soft Computing Laboratory, Indian Statistical Institute, Machine Intelligence Unit

VisionBib.Com - Computer Vision Information Pages
The VisionBib.Com site is a collection of web sites that provide a variety of resources related, mostly, to the area of Computer Vision.  The Annotated Computer Vision Bibliography.With indexes for Author, Journal/Conference, Keyword, Words in title, and Authors. This bibliography first appeared on the internet in early 1994 and provides information on 124,000+ scientific papers in the field of computer vision, image processing, character recognition and other related topics. Many entries have links to online versions (111,000+), but most journals require one has to purchase the full text.
Conference Listing is available.